Writer’s New Year’s Resolutions

It is here. Year 2021. 2020 was a very unexpected challenge for the whole world. The COVID 19 crisis swept us and the bad news just keep coming. But we all must hope and see this new beginning as an opportunity to move forward. We, writers, have one advantage. We can write almost everywhere. Here are some ideas to make this year count. Make new steps in your writing career.

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NaNoWriMo: The Essentials You Need

Is an introduction needed? NaNoWriMO is a very well-known organization and world-wide event in which thousands of people attempt to write a manuscript in just one month. In the month of November. If you are not familiar, visit the official web to learn more. Here you can find tips that will help you succeed and become a novelist! Use October to get ready.

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The Blessings of Fanfiction

Are you familiar with the term fanfiction? Fanfics, also referred to as FF, are literary works that are based on existing works. The source can be a book, a movie, a series … The fanfiction author is usually a fan of the work. A big fan. Fanfiction usually has no commercial ambitions and its main birthplace is the internet. It is damned by many as offence and destruction of the original source. This is very easy to understand. Fanfictions rarely achieve at least some quality. They are often terrible, rough, and clumsy offspring of teenagers. Yes, full of those things that usually occupy the adolescent mind. And these teenagers usually force the main character and the villain to do the mentioned activities … Huge age difference? Not a problem. Can an animal participate? Sure! Well… Yes, it is a mess. So, what’s so good about fanfiction and its authors shouldn’t burn in hell?

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How to Attract Beta Readers and Critique Partners

It is alright to simply enjoy writing and collect your work in your drawer. But maybe you already feel an urge to show your work to someone. Move on. Get a few opinions. Or you’ve been trying to find betas (more about them and other types of readers here) for a long time and you did not succeed. Beta readers and critque partners can help you save a lot of money since the editors will deal with a much more polished manuscript when other people read it for you. Here are some ideas on how to gain readers in the wide and wild online world.

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